På ett intressant och engagerat sätt ger Cynthia Negrey en tämligen heltäckande bild av hur arbetstiden förändrats under de senaste seklerna. Hon kommer inte med några direkta nyheter men har ett, i sammanhanget tämligen ovanligt, socialt patos när hon i slutkapitlet resonerar kring hur vi i dagens samhälle betraktar och använder tid. Vissa resonemang som, inte helt osökt för tankarna till en viss Peps Persons låt ”Hög standard”. Ur Negrey (2012, s. 192):
”As we pursue an economic agenda of unfettered market growth, we stretch family relationships – temporally, emotionally, and geographically – to a breaking point. And as the bonds of family break, we turn to market institutions and relationships, as inadequate as they may be, to fill the void. In the process, we undermine ties of community, and we literally trash our environment with the surplus stuff we feel compelled to make and sell. If it is time to check our market impulses, we must do so in ways that do not erode the advances made in recent decades toward gender equality and that improve the market standing of the un- and underemployed and working poor. Because the underemployed – as measured by work hours according to the current full-time norm – and the working poor are disproportionately women, both objectives can be pursued by improving the wages, benefits, and working conditions of workers in marginal jobs.
In redistributing our values from market to non-market activities, it is necessary to redistribute work time – good paid work from men to women, unpaid work from women to men, and overwork to the underemployed.”
Läs mer här:
Negrey, Cynthia (2012). Work time: conflict, control, and change. Cambridge: Polity
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